About Angel

DSaaS Data Science as a Service
Descriptive | Predictive | Prescriptive Analytics

Data Engineer | O&G Data Professional | Geomodeler
- Fully Oriented to Deliver Business Value -


PROFESSIONAL FREELANCER: Data Engineer | Data Scientist | Data Analyst | Oil and Gas (O&G) Data Professional | Geomodeler

COMPANY & ACADEMIC PROJECTS: Descriptive, Predictive, and Prescriptive Analytics; Artificial Intelligence (AI) Powered Tools and Machine Learning (ML); Advanced Geomodeling Techniques for O&G Reservoir Characterization.

25+ years of Hands-On EXPERIENCE in Industry & Academia:

  • CLOUD COMPUTING: DATA Storage, Organization, Connection, and Preparation and Refining; Data Analytics and ML, Automated Pipelines, and Auto ML; O&G and healthcare applications of 2D/3D Visualization, etc.
  • O&G Industry: Geomodelling/Geostatistics and Reservoir Characterization; 3D Reservoir (Static) Models, Volumen Estimations, Uncertainty Management, Rock Physics, etc. 
  • R&D: Traffic Simulation and Statistical Mechanics, Electrical Properties of Porous Media, etc.


DSaaS Data Science as a Service – COMPANY & ACADEMIC PROJECTS: Help the Real State, O&G, Healthcare, Retail, Higher Education, Security, and other Industries to Adopt and Equip with the Right AI/ML Powered Tools and Automated Solutions; to Unlock Critical Use Cases and Get THE MOST VALUE OUT of DATA, in a SHORT TIME and at SCALE.

Create Automated Workflows to extract ACTIONABLE INSIGHT from Diverse, Heterogeneous, and Complex Datasets. How? Science FIRST; Joint Research and Powered ML/AI CLOUD BASED tools; and CROSS-DOMAIN-ANALYSIS: SIMILAR PROBLEMS IDENTICAL SOLUTIONS. From Integration to CROSS-DOMAIN ANALYSIS.

Portfolio: Latest Case Studies

Software Literacy


  • Cloud Storage (GCS)
  • BigQuery
  • TRIFACTA Cloud Dataprep
  • Google AI Platform
  • Google Cloud Functions
  • FORMS/DOCS/SHEETS/SLIDES/BLOGGER, and other collaboration tools.
DATAROBOT – Automated Machine Learning for Predictive Modeling:

  • PAXATA Data Prep
TABLEAU ONLINE – Version 2021.3 | SaaS Analytics For Everyone. © Tableau Software Inc.
TABLEAU DESKTOP – 64bit-2022-1-0 Public Edition. © November 2020 Tableau Software Inc.
PETREL 2018.1 – Version 2018 x64. June 2018. Structural Framework-Structural Modeling, Property Modeling, Volumetrics, Uncertainty Analysis, Upscaling, etc.
RSTUDIO CLOUD (Cloud Custom) – © 2020 RStudio, PBC | RStudio – Version 1.4 © 2009-2020 RStudio, Inc.
R LANGUAGE – R version 4.1.2 | Microsoft-R Machine Learning Server 9.3.0 | Microsoft-R Open 3.5.3.
KNIME Analytics Platform 4.2.1 x64 – March 05, 2020, Windows 10. KNIME AG, Zurich, Switzerland.
IBM Quantum Experience – IBM Cloud © 2020.
© UiPath Studio – 2020.4.3 | Community Edition.
SNOWFLAKE Cloud Data Platform. © 2020 Snowflake Inc.

Top Interests

  • DATA (numeric, categorical, text, images, geographic, date&time, etc.): Storage/Organize/Connect and Prepare and Refine; readying any Dataset, no matter its Complexity and Variety, to perform Advanced Analytics, ML, etc.
  • CLOUD-BASED Fully Automated Analytics Solutions to tackle real-world issues
  • AI/ML Cloud-Based tools
  • AUGMENTED Reality & VIRTUAL Reality, its applications in design, industrial and academic training, etc.
  • TEXT-To-SPEECH (TTS) and its applications.
  • AUTO ML Cloud-Based tools
  • R/PYTHON Languages
  • TEXT MINING/NLP, Topic Analysis, Sentiment Analysis, etc.
  • GEOMODELING Advanced Techniques and reservoir characterization of O&G fields
  • 2D/3D INTERACTIVE Visualizations and applications
  • QUANTUM COMPUTING and its applications
MATH & PHYSICS: Set Theory, Hilbert Spaces, Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Statistical Mechanics, Relativity Theory, Probability Theory, etc.


BSc in Physics (Fields of Study: Mathematical Physics | Statistical Mechanics)


  • English: Fluent
  • French: Basic
  • Spanish: Native


Email: angel.aponte@gmail.com
Phone: +56 923884496
For additional information, please visit LINKEDIN PROFILE